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Computer & Telecommunication  2022, Vol. 1 Issue (1-2): 67-70    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2022.z1.016
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Research on the Smart Campus Based on Digital New Infrastructure
Guangdong Mechanical Technician College
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Based on the new digital infrastructure, this paper researches on the construction of the wisdom campus cloud platform for
Guangdong technical colleges, using cloud computing, cloud storage, cloud server, middleware and other digital infrastructure, to explore a new model of smart campus that fits the "smart social society" system. It builds a national benchmark of "smart social society--smart campus", providing a strong platform and data support for the implementation of the three key projects of "Cantonese Cuisine Master" "Guangdong Technician" and "Southern Guangdong Housekeeping".

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Published: 31 January 2022

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WANG Ling LIANG Hai-hua.

Research on the Smart Campus Based on Digital New Infrastructure
. Computer & Telecommunication, 2022, 1(1-2): 67-70.

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