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Computer & Telecommunication  2024, Vol. 1 Issue (1): 62-66    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2024.z1.002
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Educational Computing Network Solution Based on 5G Plus Three-level Cloud Architecture
China Mobile Communications Group Design Institute Co.
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Smart campus is the mainstream in the field of education informatization. As its infrastructure, education private network has high requirements for network coverage, quality, time ductility, data security and other performance indicators. Integrating 5G slicing technology and edge computing technology, innovative solutions are proposed to build an educational computing network with 5G+ three-level cloud architecture. This network architecture can optimize the distribution of resources and realize the balanced development of education. Ensure network data security and access performance through dedicated slicing; Gradually replace WIFI with 5G to realize the interconnection of devices and everything; Provide construction conditions for new mobile services and appli‐ cations such as AR/VR teaching; Provide a customized converged network; Provides local access management. It implements classi‐ fied cloud network solutions for different types of schools. For new schools, new infrastructure concepts can be incorporated to re‐ duce repeated investment in wireless network resources. For the information pilot school, it can focus on satisfying the application innovation of computing power and the application demonstration of information education. For non-pilot schools, wireless network coverage can be optimized to reduce network construction costs. For remote schools, the goal is to balance educational resources and access the regional cloud nearby to achieve computing power sharing. Schools of different sizes can achieve an education private net‐ work of high safety, high stability, strong bearing capacity, easy expanding with the smallest construction cost. 
Key words5G technology      three-level cloud architecture      education private network      smart campus     
Published: 13 May 2024

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GUO Gong-hua  WANG Ning. Educational Computing Network Solution Based on 5G Plus Three-level Cloud Architecture. Computer & Telecommunication, 2024, 1(1): 62-66.

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