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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 29-31    DOI:
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Implementation of Intelligent Redundancy Service Based on Hadoop
Yang Fuheng,Liu Zhichao,Xia Lei
Chengdu University of Technology
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Abstract  With the further development of the traditional Internet, the demand for the use of network resources has changed, and the construction of scalable and dilatant service is more and more important. Service requirements change quickly. The cycle from generation to maturity then to be forgotten is shorter. How to provide services on fixed and limited resources are increasingly becoming a research hotspot. In this paper, based on the existing technology, an intelligent redundancy service based on the Hadoop platform is implemented to meet the above needs.
Key words【Keywords】Hadoop      scalable      redundant services      Hadoop      scalable      redundant services     
Published: 08 November 2017

Cite this article:

Yang Fuheng, Liu Zhichao, Xia Lei. Implementation of Intelligent Redundancy Service Based on Hadoop. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(7): 29-31.

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