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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (11): 32-34    DOI:
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Design of Children Anti-loss Device Terminal Based on SIM900A
He Ting
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
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Abstract  Aiming at the single function of children anti-loss device in the market, a smart children anti-loss device is designed to meet with people's needs. The terminal contains the main control STM32F103C, the peripheral part and the SIM900A module. The main function is to realize station location and send the location information to the main control terminal or call the main control terminal when the terminal identifies the AT command sending by the main control terminal.
Key wordschildren anti-loss device      terminal      SIM900A     
Published: 09 November 2017
:  TP2  

Cite this article:

He Ting. Design of Children Anti-loss Device Terminal Based on SIM900A. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(11): 32-34.

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