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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (11): 28-31    DOI:
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Design and Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Trading Platform Based on SaaS
Zhou Xiaoxiong,Dai Heming,Liu Yongxin,SuWenhui
Neusoft Institute of Guangdong
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Abstract  Using e-commerce platform for the exhibition and trade of intangible cultural heritage is one of the effective ways to ensure the duration of heritage protection program. This article uses SaaS as the technique of transaction platform, and uses MVC and JSP to design a B2C platform for the continuity and trade of intangible cultural heritage. After the trial run for two months, the result shows that the platform runs steady, including functions of goods shelving, order management, and delivery management.
Key wordsSaaS      intangible cultural heritage      JSP      trading platform     
Published: 09 November 2017
:  TP311.52  

Cite this article:

Zhou Xiaoxiong, Dai Heming, Liu Yongxin, SuWenhui. Design and Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Trading Platform Based on SaaS. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(11): 28-31.

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