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Computer & Telecommunication  2024, Vol. 1 Issue (6): 85-94    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2024.06.005
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Research on the Optimization Measures and Application of High-speed Railway Private Network 
1.China Mobile Communications Group Guizhou Co., LTD. 2.ZTE Corporation Limited, Guizhou Branch
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Abstract  The service perception experience of high-speed rail network users is signi?cantly impacted by network issues arising from frequency cutting, Doppler e?ect, and carriage penetration loss in the context of a high-speed railway private network. This article ?rstly summarizes the network problems existing in the current high-speed rail private network. Then, starting from the solution strategies for coverage problems, digital twin technology is applied to the planning and construction of high-speed rail private network sites. At the same time, an innovative edge beam collaborative rolling scheme is proposed to enhance the coverage quality of the high-speed rail private network in response to the problem of "dark under the light" at the site. In addition, the paper presents an optimization strategy for achieving super cell overlapping coverage based on CPID, and provides a comprehensive summary of antenna selection schemes tailored to di?erent scenarios along the railway. Finally, this paper presents relevant optimization solutions to address the frequency o?set caused by the Doppler e?ect, mutual interference resulting from di?erences in public-private network coordination, and the perception of low network speed among high-speed rail users. Leveraging the VMAX big data monitoring platform, combined with user tracking and high-speed rail line trajectory maps, precise identi?cation and optimization of high-frequency private network users leaving private network communities have been carried out, e?ectively improving the network perception of high-speed rail users. 
Key words5G      high-speed rail network      super-cell      overlap coverage      interfere      
Published: 04 November 2024

Cite this article:

XU Jian-lin JIANG Jing WANG Kai-gui ZHAO Ping-zhong. Research on the Optimization Measures and Application of High-speed Railway Private Network . Computer & Telecommunication, 2024, 1(6): 85-94.

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