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Computer & Telecommunication  2023, Vol. 1 Issue (5): 21-    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2023.05.006
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Research on the Factors Influencing the Application Efficiency of E-learning Space for Primary and Secondary School Teachers Based on ISM Model 
College of Education Guizhou Normal University
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Abstract  Network learning space is the product of the deep integration of information technology and learning science. The application efficiency of teachers' network learning space has a strong practical significance in promoting digital teaching. Based on the review of relevant literature, combined with expert interviews, this paper uses Interpretative Structural Modeling to build a hierarchical structure model that affects the effectiveness of online learning space application of primary and secondary school teachers. The research shows that space resources, self-efficacy, perceived usefulness are the direct factors that affect teachers' use of online learning space; School concept and the support of relevant policies are the basic influencing factors; Teacher related training, infrastructure conditions, space management, teacher incentive strategies and so on are indirect influencing factors. Based on the analysis of the structural characteristics, this paper gives some suggestions to promote the construction and high-quality development of online learning space for primary and secondary school teachers.
Key wordsnetwork learning space      ISM model      TAM model      influencing factors      primary and secondary school teachers     
Published: 08 January 2024

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LI Gao-xiang WU Yu. Research on the Factors Influencing the Application Efficiency of E-learning Space for Primary and Secondary School Teachers Based on ISM Model . Computer & Telecommunication, 2023, 1(5): 21-.

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