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Computer & Telecommunication  2022, Vol. 1 Issue (1-2): 13-    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2022.z1.002
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Research and Practice of 3D Situational Teaching Based on Augmented Reality
Wuhan City College
Wuhan University of Science and Technology
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The integration of Augmented Reality into university teaching can create a new intelligent learning environment with the
integration of the virtuality and the reality. This research analyzes the advantages of AR in 3D situational teaching in smart class
room, combines the specific teaching content, takes the design of the application of AR in teaching as the carrier, promotes the teaching effect of university smart classroom through exploration in application, and promotes the vigorous development and continuous renewal of university teaching.

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Published: 31 January 2022

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YANG Hua-yong LIN Xiao-li.

Research and Practice of 3D Situational Teaching Based on Augmented Reality
. Computer & Telecommunication, 2022, 1(1-2): 13-.

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