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Research on Experiential Learning Situation Based on VR Technology
Minjiang Teacher College
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Abstract  The emergence of VR technology brings new technical support for experiential learning. In order to explore the application effect of VR technology in experiential learning, the experiential learning situation model based on VR technology and student-cen- tered mode, enables students to experience the working situation of the real world in the virtual world and provides students with an environment to acquire highly practical learning skills. By designing an experiential learning situation model based on VR technolo- gy, this paper analyzes the various elements of the model, and carries out teaching cases under the guidance of this model, obtain bet- ter application effects, and provides mirror and reference for educators to explore the application advantages of VR technology in ed- ucation.
Key wordsVR technology      experiential learning      learning situation     
Published: 09 December 2020

Cite this article:

XIE Shu-min. Research on Experiential Learning Situation Based on VR Technology. Computer & Telecommunication, 2020, 1(9): 11-14.

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