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Computer & Telecommunication  2018, Vol. 1 Issue (9): 27-28    DOI:
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Design and Implementation of Chat Room Based on Linux
Xianyang Normal University
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Abstract  This chat room is based on C/S architecture. GTK + is used as the front page implementation technology. Socket network programming technology is used to process the communication mode logically. It develops with C language and compiles with Makefile. The chat room realizes the functions of registration, login, private chat, group chat, displaying the number of people online, viewing chat records, transferring files and kicking user offline.
Key wordsLinux      C/S architecture      Socket     
Published: 10 September 2018
:  TP311.52  

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NEIWei LIU Xiao-yu. Design and Implementation of Chat Room Based on Linux. Computer & Telecommunication, 2018, 1(9): 27-28.

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