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Computer & Telecommunication  2018, Vol. 1 Issue (9): 19-20    DOI:
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Research on the Training Mode of Software Innovative Talents under the Mode of School-enterprise Cooperation
WU Sheng-bin WANG Yi-bai*
Changsha Medical University
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Abstract  At present, software technology industry of our country has become one of the strategic emerging industries which have the most global development potential in the 21st century. At the same time, the lack of software technology personnel has become a key factor restricting the development of software industry. School-enterprise cooperation is the main form of software talent training mode innovation. This paper mainly analyzes the software talents training mode based on the cooperation of school and enterprise, effectively promotes the quality of software talents and trains software talents suitable for the development of enterprises.
Key wordsschool-enterprise cooperation      software personnel training      innovation mode     
Published: 10 September 2018

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. Research on the Training Mode of Software Innovative Talents under the Mode of School-enterprise Cooperation. Computer & Telecommunication, 2018, 1(9): 19-20.

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