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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 47-65    DOI:
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Review on Research Status and Application ofWireless Sensor Networks
Zhao Na
Qinghai College of Architectural Technology
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Abstract  As an important part of Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks has a very wide range of applications, so more and more industry and academia are engaged in the development. Firstly the basic concepts and characteristic of wireless sensor networks are introduced, then the research status and the key technology of wireless sensor networks are analyzed. Finally, the application fields of wireless sensor networks are described so as to provide reference for the research personnel.
Key wordswireless sensor networks      sensor node      energy      research status     
Published: 01 January 1900
:  TP393  

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Zhao Na. Review on Research Status and Application ofWireless Sensor Networks. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(4): 47-65.

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