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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 33-35    DOI:
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The Design of Embedded Face Recognition Entrance Guard System Based on OpenCV
Gu Sisi,Hu Lixia
(Hunan University of Science and Engineering
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Abstract  Aiming to the defects and potential safety hazard of traditional entrance guard system , this paper designs an entrance guard management system based on the technology of face recognition. The embedded development platform choses S3C2440B as microprocessors, WInCE6.0 as an operating system. At the same time, the system transplants OpenCV, invokes the AdaBoost and functions of PCA algorithm, in order to complete face image detection and face recognition. Finally, the recognition result will acts on the door lock switch control. Compared to the traditional entrance guard management system, the design is safer and more automatic, which brings easier and more convenient experience to users.
Key wordsS3C2440B      face recognition      PCA      OpenCV     
Published: 01 January 1900
:  TP391.41  

Cite this article:

Gu Sisi, Hu Lixia. The Design of Embedded Face Recognition Entrance Guard System Based on OpenCV. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(4): 33-35.

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