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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 19-22    DOI:
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The Application of RFID and BeiDou (COMPASS) Navigation Satellite System in Internet of Things
Qin Tong,Qiao Xudong
Anhui Sun Create Electronic CO., LTD
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Abstract  As a new concept supported at the end of last century, internet of things owns a short history. This thesis is based on the internet-of-things project and the logistics and distribution of Royalstar. In the process, the technology of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is applied to identify each product. In addition, in order to solve the collision of response in the RFID system, ALOHA is applied not to miss or repeat the signal from one RFID label. Moreover BeiDou(COMPASS)Navigation Satellite System is applied to locate the trucks and the products on the way timely. So that the risk of losing product is reduced while the expense of each product reduces and the profit of company increases.
Key wordsInternet of things      Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)      BeiDou(COMPASS)Navigation Satellite System;tracking      location     
Published: 01 January 1900
:  P228.4  

Cite this article:

Qin Tong Qiao Xudong. The Application of RFID and BeiDou (COMPASS) Navigation Satellite System in Internet of Things. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(4): 19-22.

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