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Computer & Telecommunication  2024, Vol. 1 Issue (6): 31-34    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2024.06.017
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A Trust Service Adaptation Method Based on Security Proxy
No.30 Institute of CETC
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Abstract  With the large-scale application of various services, protocol adaptation and security issues are becoming increasingly prominent. It has become a focus of attention in related industries to establish an uni?ed mechanism for trust service adaptation, and improve the availability and security of service adaptation. In the construction of industry network trust systems, the combination of di?erent services together forms a complete network trust service system, and there are increasingly more scenarios for forming distributed service systems. The interaction between trust services is frequent, and directly transplanting traditional service adaptation mechanisms to the trust service system will greatly reduce interaction e?ciency and scalability. Therefore, a trust service adaptation method based on secure proxies is proposed, which mainly solves the technical problems of service adaptation usability, scalability, and security. This scheme can meet the adaptive changes in service status, improve the availability of service adaptation, while ensuring the identities of both parties in the interaction and ensuring data security during the interaction process. 
Key wordsservice adaptation      trust system      security proxy      data security      distributed services      
Published: 01 November 2024

Cite this article:

DING Wen-chao YU Shuang-bo XUE Yan-zhu FANG Dong-li. A Trust Service Adaptation Method Based on Security Proxy. Computer & Telecommunication, 2024, 1(6): 31-34.

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