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Computer & Telecommunication  2024, Vol. 1 Issue (6): 44-48    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2024.06.013
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Design of Waveform Type Recognition and Parameter Measurement Device Based on STM32F407 
Hunan Industry Polytechnic
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Abstract  This device uses STM32F407 as the core to achieve waveform recognition and parameter measurement of periodic signals. The device consists of a core calculation module, buttons, display, signal conditioning circuit, and zero crossing detection circuit. It can achieve multi-channel gain sampling of periodic signals, measure parameters such as peak to peak value and frequency of waveforms, and identify waveform types such as sine waves, square waves, and triangular waves. This system achieves precise measurement of a wide range of voltage through a multi gain signal conditioning circuit, precise measurement of frequency through a hardware zero crossing circuit, real-time waveform acquisition through frequency calculation of sampling frequency, and recognition of waveform types through model matching. It has the advantages of wide voltage and frequency measurement range, high measurement accuracy, accurate waveform recognition, and fast response speed.
Key words waveform recognition      parameter measurement      signal change rate     
Published: 01 November 2024

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ZHAO Zi-peng. Design of Waveform Type Recognition and Parameter Measurement Device Based on STM32F407 . Computer & Telecommunication, 2024, 1(6): 44-48.

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