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Computer & Telecommunication  2021, Vol. 1 Issue (11): 54-56    DOI: 10.15966/j.cnki.dnydx.2021.11.012
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A Peer-to-peer Chat Tool Based on Android Bluetooth Technology
Qiandongnan Nationalities Polytechnic
Guizhou Vocational Technology College of Electronics & Information
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In order to solve the problem of short-distance communication without Internet, this article designs and implements a point-to-point chat tool based on Android Bluetooth technology. Two mobile devices which connect each other via Bluetooth Socket are
able to chat without Internet. It is an attempt of Bluetooth technology in the field of mobile social applications.
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Published: 01 November 2021

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A Peer-to-peer Chat Tool Based on Android Bluetooth Technology
. Computer & Telecommunication, 2021, 1(11): 54-56.

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