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Computer & Telecommunication  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 69-71    DOI:
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Design and Development of Training Room Management System Based on Android and QR Code——Taking Guangzhou Civil Aviation College as an example
Xu Guoyou,Liu Jing
Guangzhou Civil Aviation College
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Abstract  In order to facilitate the management of training room, this paper discusses on the design method of training room management system based on Android and QR code. The management system includes a mobile phone terminal and PC terminal program. The mobile phone terminal is based on the Android platform, including training room, equipment maintenance, safety inspection and class information; the PC terminal uses Delphi to realize the functions of equipment maintenance, equipment input, data management and statistical reports. The system has been tested on Windows, XP and Android mobile phones, and the result shows that it can effectively improve the efficiency of training room management and it is worth popularizing.
Key wordsAndroid      QR code      training room management     
Published: 16 November 2017
ZTFLH:  TP311.52  

Cite this article:

Xu Guoyou, Liu Jing. Design and Development of Training Room Management System Based on Android and QR Code——Taking Guangzhou Civil Aviation College as an example. Computer & Telecommunication, 2017, 1(7): 69-71.

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