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Research on Production Scheduling Based on Multi-objective Collaborative OptimizationAlgorithm
National Cold Rolled Strip Equipment and Technology Engineering Research Center
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Abstract  In view of the complexity, multi-constraint and multi-objective characteristics of production scheduling in process indus- try, an enhanced collaborative optimization algorithm (NCO) is proposed, which is applied to solve multi-objective optimization problems, and a multi-objective collaborative optimization method (MONCO) based on NCO is proposed. The simulation results show that MONCO algorithm can not only optimize the effect, but also reduce the number of iterations and improve the computa- tional efficiency
Key wordsmulti-objective optimization      process industry production scheduling      collaborative optimization     
Published: 09 December 2020

Cite this article:

JIAWan-da PENG Yan SHI Bao-dong . Research on Production Scheduling Based on Multi-objective Collaborative OptimizationAlgorithm. Computer & Telecommunication, 2020, 1(9): 1-5.

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