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Computer & Telecommunication  2016, Vol. 1 Issue (1-2): 65-68    DOI:
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Wireless Campus Network Planning
Liao Haiyan
Guangzhou Vocational and technical school in Conghua District
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Abstract  In recent years, with the popularization of digital campus in China, more and more university get the attention of campus network environment. The campus network is a symbol of the level of information of university. At this stage, wired local area network in Colleges and universities has been popularization and development, but it has some limitations, such as limited in the venue, limited in hardware devices, and limited in the number of users. This thesis according to the present situation and the requirement of campus network application of Weifang College, research on the requirements, emphasized the campus wireless network construction technology, and put forward the general design scheme of campus network of college, and added that the corresponding security technology.
Key wordswireless campus network      WLAN      net topology      intrusion detection     
Published: 10 November 2017
:  TP393  

Cite this article:

Liao Haiyan. Wireless Campus Network Planning. Computer & Telecommunication, 2016, 1(1-2): 65-68.

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