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Analysis on Calculation Method of Radar Measurement Variance in Rectangular Coordinate System
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Abstract   The distributed network system of multi radar target monitoring usually includes polar coordinate system with radar as co- ordinate origin and rectangular coordinate system with command center as coordinate origin. However, due to the complex situation of different radar surrounding airspace environment and radar equipment, large sample standard deviation is prone to occur in the measurement of target distance, azimuth and elevation angle by single radar. In this case, according to the unified rectangular coordi- nate system, target position error transfer method, comprehensive index statistics method and other calculation methods, the mea- surement weight, variance and standard deviation of different coordinate components of the target object are analyzed statistically. After that, the weighted fusion model of multi radar tracks is used to verify the vertical weighted estimation value of limited radar measurement points in rectangular coordinate system, and then the result value of each element state of the target is determined.
Key wordsrectangular coordinate system      radar      measurement variance      calculation method     
Published: 09 December 2020

Cite this article:

LIU Si-qin. Analysis on Calculation Method of Radar Measurement Variance in Rectangular Coordinate System. Computer & Telecommunication, 2020, 1(9): 71-74.

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