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Computer & Telecommunication  2018, Vol. 1 Issue (9): 39-43    DOI:
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Research on the Teaching System Reform of Database Application Course in the Era of Big Data
Luoyang NO.1 Senior High School
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Abstract  With the continuous development of information technology, the era of big data has come. There is more and more unstructured data. The society urgently needs new type of database personnel. The traditional teaching system of database application course cannot meet the needs of talent training in the new era, so it needs to be reformed and optimized. This paper mainly analyzes the reform of the teaching system of database application course in big data time.
Key wordsTCL language      SIEMENS CNC system      Post Builder     
Published: 10 September 2018
:  TP312  

Cite this article:

LIU Jie-yu. Research on the Teaching System Reform of Database Application Course in the Era of Big Data. Computer & Telecommunication, 2018, 1(9): 39-43.

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