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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (11): 35-36    DOI:
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Construction of Logistics Information Tracking System Based on the Smart Phone and RFID Technology
Shen Limei,Ye Qicai
Zhejing Business College
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Abstract  The logistics information management system is designed in this paper to collect the information of the distribution of the link by using the Chinese format to record the logistics information through the mobile phone, and collect the data together to the data center. Mobile terminal hardware uses RFID reader with SDIO interface. It supports Bluetooth in LAN to transfer data, and GPRS to transfer remote data. Then it reads ISO 14443-standard S50 chip, and combines the wireless communication and wired data transmission mode to send the data to the server to the integrated management.
Key words smart phone      RFID technology      logistics information tracking     
Published: 09 November 2017
ZTFLH:  TP309  

Cite this article:

Shen Limei, Ye Qicai. Construction of Logistics Information Tracking System Based on the Smart Phone and RFID Technology. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(11): 35-36.

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