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Computer & Telecommunication  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 62-65    DOI:
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Simulation Analysis on the Short Circuit of Synchronous Motor Based on Simulink
Liu Long,Shu Jingdong
School of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University
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Abstract  This paper expounds the characteristics of Simulink in MATLAB, and its great role in power system simulation. It illustrates the basic methods and steps of Simulink simulation. In this paper, after the analysis on the basic equations of synchronous generator and the theory of three-phase short circuit, Simulink is used to simulate the three-phase short circuit of the synchronous motor under the condition of no-load. Compared with the theory, the effectiveness of Simulink simulation is explained.
Key wordsSimulink      synchronous generator      short circuit      simulation     
Published: 16 November 2017
ZTFLH:  TM11  

Cite this article:

Liu Long, Shu Jingdong. Simulation Analysis on the Short Circuit of Synchronous Motor Based on Simulink. Computer & Telecommunication, 2017, 1(7): 62-65.

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